Intermarc Global

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Façade Lighting Project

Project Details

  • Client: UIR /AXA, 155 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW
  • Project: Façade lighting project
  • Time: 2019-2020

Project Discription

One of the current projects managed by IMG is the façade lighting of 155 Clarence street.

This is a heritage-listed building located in the Sydney CBD. The building is recognisable in art deco style and was once headquarters of the Australian Red Cross. The main purpose of the lighting project is order to accentuate the building’s notable architectural forms and contribute to the vitality of the night-time streetscape.

Lighting of the façade has been sectioned into as following:

Key attribute of this project is internal lighting of the clock face. This will be done by illuminating the clock face which is located centrally to and projects forward of the façade. The lighting devices will be installed internal to the clock.

This will done in four stages,

Furthermore, the other lighting implementations needs to be synchronize with several stake holders as this is a state heritage building, we have to coordinate with City of Sydney and Heritage council to ensure that all the work done are within the regulations.

Delivery of the project rests in the hands of IMG. We are responsible for ensuring that it is delivered on time and within the budget.

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